FACT: The Japanese multilayer ceramic capacitor (MLCC) manufacturer with over 80% of the world’s market share developed their technology using our slot die know-how, and they use only our technology to manufacture their product today.
In the past decade, slot die has become one of the most widely used coating methods in the world. While the majority of slot dies on the market require time-consuming bolt adjustments to obtain uniformity, the precision of the Yasui Seiki slot die is due to meticulous in-house machining, to the 1/1000th of a millimeter to guarantee coating accuracy.
The accuracy of slot die coating depends on the precision of the entire coating machine, and Yasui Seiki's dedication to achieving the highest quality coating possible is reflected in everything we make.
Thanks to our extremely high precision machining and rigorous quality testing, Yasui Seiki precision thin lip slot die can now deposit as low as 1 μm wet.
Yasui Seiki precision slot die is very useful when a coating method other than MICROGRAVURE™ is necessary. For example, slot die handles thin to thick layers of multilayer ceramic capacitors very well and it does an exceptional job coating lithium-ion battery electrodes.
A few examples of slot die applications:
Due to ever changing demands in slot die applications, Yasui Seiki continues to research & develop the best material and the best slot die configurations to support customer needs.